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Committee Belfast Running ClubOur club committee is made up of members who volunteer their time freely to help manage and develop the club. The committee is elected annually by members at the club AGM, with positions co-opted throughout the year when
Board of Studies - BML Munjal University (BMU)The Board of Studies at BML Munjal University fosters academic growth and innovation. Learn about our programs and initiatives for aspiring professionals.
YAPC::Europe Foundation - NewsAfter 15 years of work, the current YEF setup is not working too well anymore. Therefore, we would like to invite all people who want to continue to have informative, fun, cool (and maybe slightly crazy) Perl conference
Who we are - FairtradeFairtrade is a global movement with a strong and active presence in the UK, represented by the Fairtrade Foundation.
IFOAM - Organics International | HomeTogether with members in over 100 countries and territories as well as regional organizations and sector platforms, we are leading change, organically.
NFTE - BSNL, National Federation of Telecom EmployeesHome | Contact | About Nfte-Bsnl Visitor Counter
Register of Play Inspectors International - Making Play SafeThe Register of Play Inspectors International (RPII) is the official UK body for examining, accrediting and certificating inflatable, indoor and outdoor play inspectors. The RPII also accredits courses for the training o
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Our Constitution B DNLTHE B DNL CONSTITUTION 1. NAME 1.1 The League shall be called the Bedford and District Netball League. 1.2 If a Sponsor for the League is obtained the League Committee shall have the right to amend the League’
SISSTA | THE SOUTH INDIAN SUGARCANE & SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION1 Shri N. Chinnappan Executive Director Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Sugars Pvt Ltd. Udumbi
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